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100th Legislative Session 2025 – Week 1

Mike Weisgram
Representative Mike Weisgram (District 24) with Senator Paul Miskimins (District 20)
Representative Mike Weisgram (District 24) with Senator Paul Miskimins (District 20)

Welcome back to my legislative column as week 1 of the 100th Session comes to a conclusion. As in the past, I will try to give you a sense of the schedule, interesting bill introductions and hearings, notable speeches, and a preview of what is to come each week of session. It is difficult to condense the weeks activity in several paragraphs but hopefully you will get a glimpse of the workings of legislature and what may be of interest to you.

The first several days of the session we listened to speeches from Governor Noem (she gave her last State of the State address), Chief Justice Jensen’s State of the Judiciary message, and Tribal chairman Garrett Renville’s State of the Tribes speech. Governor Noem delivered one of the best speeches I have ever heard from her as she used the opportunity to say goodbye and recant how SD has become stronger, safer, and freer during the time of her administration. She detailed ten reasons why South Dakota will continue to be an example to the nation; our Education, our Healthcare, our Agriculture, Outdoor opportunities, Babies (SD has a high birth rate per capita), Safety (SD has a very low crime rate rating), our Economy, our Values, our Freedoms, our People. I will remember her as being very principled leader and the best salesperson the state has ever had in promoting our strengths and opportunities. Chief Justice Jensen was eloquent in how he communicated that the courts are the bedrock of justice, and they strive to improve the access to the courts to ensure everyone receives due process. Improvements to programs, services, and security shows the sincerity of the United Judicial System’s commitment to following the law in South Dakota. Tribal chairman Renville acknowledged a sometimes-strained relationship with the Noem Administration but looked to turn the page by saying “Today, let’s reset.” 

“Today let’s rebuild by listening and hearing each other.” Renville cited areas where the tribes, state and local businesses can work together. Enhanced law enforcement efforts, and revitalizing health care, agriculture, and education are his priorities. Lieutenant Governor Rhoden called him a “sound minded leader with a heart for his people.”  That is my impression as well.

Although many new bills were introduced this week, bill hearings will begin next week as each piece of legislation will be assigned to appropriate committees and scheduled to heard. Just some of the varied topics to be discussed will include property tax/sales tax proposals, education savings accounts (vouchers) funded by public money for private school tuition and homeschool expenses, the C02 pipeline, and the construction of a new men’s prison to name a few. We usually see about 500 bills introduced each session so the real work will begin next week. I need to mention that from a state budget perspective, this will be a tough year. Revenues from sales tax are falling behind expectations and we will not have any additional money for any good causes. The proposed Governor’s budget that was introduced in December had some spending cuts many of us are uncomfortable with so you will be hearing and reading more about how the final budget takes shape in coming weeks. 

Thank you for the many emails and messages I have received giving me your thoughts on pending issues that are important to you. I appreciate them very much and thanks again for letting me serve District 24. 

– mw



I LIKE MIKE! Mike Weisgram for House of Representatives in District 24

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