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Uncharted Times & Optimism

Mike Weisgram

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Dear Friends,

As I contemplate my message to you, I want to thank you for the many kind regards, comments, contributions, and encouragement you have given me these past months as we work towards the Republican Primary on June 2, 2020. As you know there are 5 candidates vying for 2 positions that will be on the ballot in November. I will continue to work towards that goal even though “face to face” and “shaking hands” campaign efforts / greetings are not favored in these unprecedented days.

Our campaign is planning a “meet and greet” at the Grey Goose Social Club next month (date pending), will be doing some direct mail contacts to likely Republican primary voters, and door to door campaigning when it is appropriate to do so. I am looking forward to the campaign getting into high gear.

As I see our national, state, and local economies struggle with uncertainty, fear, and reduced business activity, I tend to think of my grandparents and parents. They dealt with their own challenges of dust storms, economic depression, and a World War that threatened our country and way of life. Character, Prayer, Fortitude, and Optimism brought them through it and on to better times that they couldn’t have imagined months and years earlier. Let us heed the suggestions of our leaders and health care professionals and enjoy our family’s company, our homes, and limit our social contacts as we weather this current challenge. I am looking forward to the warmth of springtime, green vegetation, and the optimism and fun of the outdoor months.

I will leave you with a quote from Dale Carnegie; “You can either bend with the inevitable sleet storms of life – or you can resist them and break”. Let’s bend with this health care crisis and economic storm and be stronger and wiser for the future.

Thank you very much for your interest in my candidacy.

Sincerely, Mike Weisgram



I LIKE MIKE! Mike Weisgram for House of Representatives in District 24

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